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Blood and Guts walking tours

February 2022

Blood and Guts: The Twists and Turns of Edinburgh's Medical History walking tour

Date(s): 27 February 2022

Time: 2pm

Cost: £9.50-£13.50

Age Restrictions: 10+

Booking Link:

Join Surgeons Hall Museums on their 5* walking tour through Edinburgh’s old town.   We will take you through the highs and lows of Edinburgh’s world renowned medical history. Discover the intrigues, rivalries and dedication to the cause as our guide leads you through the sites where anatomists, surgeons and physicians worked, operated and squabble…


Blood and Guts: The Twists and Turns of Edinburgh's Medical History walking tour

Date(s): 26 February 2022

Time: 2pm

Cost: £9.50-£13.50

Age Restrictions: 10+

Booking Link:

Join Surgeons Hall Museums on their 5* walking tour through Edinburgh’s old town.   We will take you through the highs and lows of Edinburgh’s world renowned medical history. Discover the intrigues, rivalries and dedication to the cause as our guide leads you through the sites where anatomists, surgeons and physicians worked, operated and squabble…


Heart Dissection Workshop For Adults

Date(s): 17 February 2022

Time: 6.30pm and 8pm

Cost: £10.50-£13.50

Age Restrictions: 18+

Booking Link:

SOLD OUT!Back by popular demand!Join us this valentines week for the ultimate anti-valentines event. This workshop is open to all over 18, and you don't need prior knowledge of medicine to try your hand at dissection. This workshop takes a hands-on look at the structure and function of the mammalian heart. Using a pig heart, participants will disse…


Body Builders

Date(s): 16 February 2022

Time: 1pm-3.30pm

Cost: Included in museum admission

Can you help to build a human body?  Come along to our drop-in session and create internal organs out of Play-Doh for our human body model.


Body Builders

Date(s): 15 February 2022

Time: 1pm-3.30pm

Cost: Included in museum admission

Can you help to build a human body?  Come along to our drop-in session and create internal organs out of Play-Doh for our human body model.


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